With absolute broken hearts the family of Morgan Glen Hodge announce his sudden and tragic passing on Sept 7, 2022.

Morgan ( or Morg as he was known by most of his family and friends) was one of the kindest, caring and giving souls that many in his life had ever met. He had a love for life and a personality that everyone around was drawn too and it was not unusual to see his garage full of family and friends waiting for him to cook his latest scoff on the bbq.

When Morgan wasn’t at home enjoying life as many of us knew he did, he was working to provide for his family. He worked all over the world over the last number of years and there wasn’t a place in the world that he wouldn’t take on if it meant he could give his family everything life had too offer and then some.

There are many many fond memories of Morgan in and around the community and we will hold on to these until eternity. His light has touched so many in his short life and it will continue to do so. Gone way to soon but never ever forgotten.

Memorialization and funeral services for Morgan will be held as soon as possible, due to the complications of repatriation we are not yet able to announce a time and date, but as soon as we can, we will. we would like to thank everyone, friends, family and the extended community for the expressions of concern and sympathy, your kindness has not gone unnoticed in this difficult time.